CEO Message

Eliminating every source of frustration within finance and marketing with “OMOTENASHI (hospitality) technology”

Thank you for accessing the corporate website of Showcase Inc..

We have been dedicated to providing services that embody the essence of hospitality, making the internet user-friendly and approachable, with a focus on Web marketing support centered around EFO (Entry Form Optimization).

Thanks to your support, we have consistently held the top market share in the EFO industry for over seven consecutive years. In our pursuit to extend this spirit of hospitality beyond EFO, we have expanded our services to include e-KYC (Online Identity Verification) and other areas.

While each of our services continues to grow successfully, we are actively exploring various options, such as collaboration with other companies and M&A, to accelerate the pace of corporate expansion.

At Showcase, our guiding principles are “Integrity,” “Challenge,” and “Growth.”

We invite those who resonate with these three principles to consider working together with us or engaging in business transactions. We are actively seeking the best choices through diverse approaches to ensure the continued growth and development of our company.

We aspire to continue growing and advancing in collaboration with our stakeholders, and we sincerely appreciate your patronage and support.

Thank you for considering a partnership with Showcase.

CEO of Showcase Inc.
